Call Us Now 855-742-7788

Why Choose Sharpvue

Smarter Home & Business Security

We are passionate about delivering innovative technology that deepens the connection between people and the things they care about most — their homes, families and businesses. Millions of people trust our solutions every day for better security, advanced automation and dependable service.


Our partners award winning technology and cloud services power Smarter Home and Business solutions, including Interactive Security, Energy Management, Video Monitoring, Automation and Wellness. We connect a broad array of smart devices, making them easily controlled through an intuitive mobile app.

Call Today! 855-742-7788





Professional Hardware & Support

Our hardware was hand-selected by industry professionals with over 35+ years of experience, making it easy to get a security solution that’s reliable for your needs, and seamlessly integrates with your home or business.

Professionally Built & Reliable

Extended Warranties​

24/7 Monitoring & Emergency Response

Local and Convenient

Sharpvue is one of the largest privately-held cloud video surveillance providers around the globe. Anywhere you have internet, you can have our solutions.


Installation is also offered in the following areas:


Columbia, SC

Charleston, SC

Charlotte, NC

Greenville, SC

Clemson, SC

Call Today! 855-742-7788