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All-in-One Video Surveillance

All-in-One Video Surveillance for Any Business Application

Sharpvue’s cloud-managed video surveillance combines cloud storage, 24/7 health monitoring, and intelligent analytics to ensure footage is available when you need it most and can be easily found and shared.

With Sharpvue, you can depend on the latest camera technology

Reliably monitor your business at all times with our new NDAA compliant* Pro Series cameras. These state of the art cameras can improve your business operations with a wide range of intelligent features, including: 4MP HDR video, IR night vision, access to Business Activity Analytics and much more. 

Find video that matters in an instant

Instead of manually searching through hours of footage, search for important events. Then, jump straight to corresponding footage on your 24/7 video timeline.

Track customer flow through your business

Business Activity Analytics is a better way to manage your business and protect your customers using your security cameras. Uncover actionable business insights that help manage customer flow, make informed decisions and optimize operations.