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Rental Protection Plan

Rental Protection Plan (RPP)

Rent with confidence! Our Equipment Protection Plan ensures a worry-free experience with refundable deposits, non-refundable damage waivers, and optional insurance. Clear guidelines, dedicated coverage, and 24/7 support make renting seamless and secure. Legal fee coverage ensures smooth resolutions, fostering transparency for worry-free rentals!

Call Today! 855-742-7788

Equipment Damage While On Site?

Nothing to worry about! Sharpvue Rental Protection Plan covers you!

Refundable Deposit

Non-refundable Damage Waivers

Optional Insurance

Damage Protection

Theft Protection

RPP ensures 100% protection – your gear is covered for damage and theft, and you pay nothing out of pocket.
Simple, secure, and stress-free.
Call Us Today! 855-742-7788