Call Us Now 855-742-7788

Monitored Security

Keep your property safe with 24/7 professional monitoring and emergency response. Sharpvue systems are monitored by licensed central monitoring stations across the country, so you can count on help whenever you need it.

Keep an Eye
From Anywhere

Keep your property safe with 24/7 professional monitoring and emergency response. Sharpvue systems are monitored by licensed central monitoring stations across the country, so you can count on help whenever you need it.

Call Today! 855-742-7788

Dedicated Connection

Sharpvue uses a tamper-resistant cellular connection, dedicated solely to your security system. This signaling technology is reliable, and works even if your phone line, cable, broadband and power are down.

Total Control From Anywhere

Arm and disarm your system from anywhere, check your system’s status and view recent activity at home using Sharpvue’s powerful smart security app.

Unique Locations & User Codes

Easily create and disable user codes. Give each user a unique code, then see who has armed or disarmed the system, and when. You cna disable codes within minutes from your computer or tablet.


Stay aware of important activity at your property anytime, not just when there’s an emergency, with customizable text, push notifications and email alerts.

Security Panels

Choose from a variety of panels and take advantage of helpful features.

Crash & Smash Protection

This service keeps your system working, even if the security panel is damaged.


Talk to the emergency dispatcher directly through the panel.

Extreme Weather Alerts

Using real-time local weather data, the panel will alert you to dangerous weather conditions.